Friday, July 26, 2013

Tried my best...

I can't really say that I lost any weight the whole of June, though I tried my best. Today, after 25 days of pushing myself really, really hard, I lost another three pounds so now I'm  about 190 lbs - just 5-7 lbs sort of my fighting weight of 183-185 lbs. I might have lost some muscle as I have been using light weights and doing high repetitions just for strengthening my joints and muscles to avoid and prevent injuries before I add enough weight to really start putting on muscle, but I can't really complain because I'm feeling good, even today after hitting up for 45 minutes and then playing singles with a younger man. 

So it looks like things are more or less on track unless I get injured again. I'm not going to try taking any new pictures of myself until the end of the month because I think I'd like my progress to be a little more visible this time round.

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